Established in 1896, the Hillsborough County Bar Association is one of the largest voluntary bar associations in Florida with a membership of close to 4,000 attorneys, judges and legal professionals. Located at the Chester H. Ferguson Law Center in downtown Tampa, the HCBA is a vibrant, diverse organization that has earned a national reputation for its outstanding programs and events.
The HCBA’s mission is to inspire and promote respect for the law and the justice system through service to the legal profession and the community. Our goals:
- To improve the judicial system and maintain the highest ethical and professional standards.
- To encourage camaraderie among our members.
- To increase public understanding of how the judicial system works and to serve as a voice for the legal community.
- To provide services, benefits, technology assistance, education, guidance and professional assistance to its members.
- To provide and encourage volunteer services to the community.
- To promote inclusiveness in the membership and leadership of the association and the legal profession.
- To improve job satisfaction and quality of life for all lawyers.
To learn about the HCBA, visit our website at
In addition, the LRIS has its own Facebook page. Click here to view the page.

$35 for a 30-minute consultation from a qualified, local lawyer. Non-refundable.
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Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.